Velocity Gaming and Global Esports qualified for APAC | VLT win VCC 2022
India's Velocity Gaming and Global Esports qualified for the the VCT 2022 APAC Challengers. Velocity Gaming won the VCC 2022 and qualified as first seed from South Asia.

In APAC LCQ 2021 Global Esports alone represented the South Asia and India after winning VCC 2021. This year two teams from South Asia got the chance to qualify for APAC. VLT won $15,000 USD, GE took $7,500 from the $30,000 USD prize pool. Velocity's Deathmaker was named VCC 2022 Most Valuable Player and won additional $1,500.
Velocity Gaming vs Global Esports VCC 2022 grand final result-
VLT and GE faced each other in the grand finals of Valorant Conquerors Championship 2022. Both these teams were already qualified for APAC, therefore this final was for the prize money as well as South Asia's number 1 seeding. Velocity gaming had already defeated Global Esports twice in this event and definitely had mental advantage in that matter. This rivalry is so big in Indian Valorant community that is nick named as 'Val-Classico'. These teams are very closely matched and as expected the series went in final fifth map.
Velocity gaming took the series 3-2 and became the VCC 2022 champion after defeating defending champions Global Esports.
Breeze 13-8 VLT
Split 5-13 GE
Icebox 13-7 VLT
Bind 8-13 GE
Haven 13-11 VLT
VCT 2022 Stage 1 APAC Challengers format explained-
After the VCC 2022, VLT and GE now will compete in VCT Stage 1 Asia Pacific Challengers. Total of 20 teams will compete in APAC, 12 are already in group stages while the rest 8 will compete in paly-ins to reach group stage.
Velocity Gaming as number 1 seed of South Asia are already in group stages, GE on the other hand will need qualify for groups stages through play-ins. Four out of 8 teams will move ont group stage through play-ins.
Prize pool for the APAC Challengers has not been announced but the main prize will be 2 spots in VCT Stage 1 Masters. The event will be online , that's why VLT announced that they will be going to Thailand to play APAC for better ping.